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Concert avec plusieurs instruments, für Barockensemble, op. 23

Cover design: Bert Handrick

Concert avec plusieurs instruments, für Barockensemble, op. 23

SKU : 100026
  • Flauti dolce I, II

    Flauto traverso

    Violino concertato

    Viole da gamba I, II

    Violini in ripieno I (2 spillere)

    Violini in ripieno II (2 spillere)

    Viole (2 spillere)

    Violoncello (2 spillere)

    Violone (= kontrabass)

    Cembalo concertato


    (tilsvarer besetningene i "Brandenburgiske konserter" 4 - 6)

    (the instrumetation is using all instruments as used in "Brandenburg concertos" 4 - 6)

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